Cobiro Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) not only allows consumers to search for and compare products offered by multiple merchants but it also places Shopping ads and free product listings on Google on behalf of merchants.
You just need a Merchant Center account and a Google Ads account to advertise Shopping ads on Google.
Get started in a few easy steps
- Sign up to get a Cobiro Connect account
- Add your shop and domain you wish to work with
- Activate the Plan that best suits your needs
- Create a new Merchant Center or Switch your own to Cobiro CSS
1. Once signup is completed you will be redirected to your workspace.
2. From your Cobiro Connect dashboard, add a shop in either of the two methods shown above.
3. Once the shop is added, choose a product to activate (Momentarily, only CSS is available, Label Manager is around the corner) and click on Activate.
You will be prompted to purchase a plan. Pay monthly, or get a 20% discount if you choose to pay yearly. Read more here about Purchasing a subscription and accessing a product.
4. Once the purchase is completed click Manage to go to the CSS section where you can choose to create a new Merchant Center or Switch your own to Cobiro CSS.
Cobiro CSS for Google Shopping
Once you click Manage on your newly activated shop, you'll be greeted by a page containing information about Cobiro CSS. To get started, press the blue Continue button on the top right.
Once here, you can choose between:
Just fill out the form that corresponds to what you're looking for! |
If you are in doubt about which option to go for you can read more on Create a new MC account or use current one (switch).
If you want to know more about the difference between a regular Google MC and a CSS MC head over to the article The Merchant Center (CSS).
Create, grow, and manage your shop portfolio by connecting the apps you want.
For more info on the CSS feature click here
Remember to invite team members or businesses to your workspace to collaborate.
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